Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Topics for Science Fair

                                                     Branch: Chemistry

Water Chemistry:
  1. Determine which added material will make ice melt fastest.
  2. Find out if adding various amounts of different solutes to water will increases its boiling point.
  3. Find out if adding salt, oil, detergent, and heating water could influence ordinary tap water's surface tension.

  1. Using Pennies to Test How pH Affects Copper Corrosion.
  2. See which of several substances has the most acidity by measuring CO2 production when mixed with baking soda.

Temperature in Chemistry:
  1. How Does Temperature Affect a Rubber Band's Elasticity?
  2. The Effect of Temperature on the Water Solubility of Alum, Baking Soda, Epsom Salt, and Salt.

Compounds, Mixtures &Solutions:
  1. Determine how the temperature of a mixture of water and ammonium nitrate changes with the amount of ammonium nitrate dissolved in the water.

Chocolate, Candy and Sweets:
  1. Use paper chromatography to see which dyes are used in the coatings of your favorite colored candies.

  1. Measuring the Surface Tension of Water.
  2. Super cooling Water and Snap Freezing.
  3. How Does Color Affect Heating by Absorption of Light?
  4. Parachutes: Does Size Matter?
  5. Race Your Marbles to Discover a Liquid's Viscosity
  6. Rocketology: Baking Soda + Vinegar = Lift Off!
  7. From Gas to Rust: Measuring the Oxygen Content of Air
  8. Saturated Solutions: Measuring Solubility

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